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「廣告隱含的訊息、呈現的風格和視覺意象皆暗中形塑著無數個體的思想、人格特質和生活型態作為,同時秘密暗示我們應如何滿足內心深處的渴望和抱負。」—加裔義大利符號學家Marcel Danesi



來自西元101261年的宇宙後選人八號,是來自藝星的星星黨後選人「海星星」,她代表地球參選宇宙新萌主,宇宙選舉政見包含了有「不要成為下一個北極」、「消滅污染」、「宇宙和平」。跨時空的宇宙後選人,不只在該選舉時間、空間設置廣告,更跨時間與空間的在西元2015年地球某個角落,秘密設置洗腦視覺。創作靈感來自於台灣的藝術生態,藝術大學畢業後,人人以藝術家自稱。然而進入藝術大學就能成為一個真正的藝術家嗎?進入藝術大學就一定要成為藝術家嗎?在這資訊爆炸下的網路時代,新一代的藝術新星猶如藝術偶像般,被包裝與吹捧著。台灣藝術徵件、獎助、補助案,如同一場場的藝術大選舉,在藝術派系裡默默的爭奪。企圖使用了大型廣告看版的原生形態,造就了一幕藝術候選人選舉廣告,期望透過廣告藝術(Advertising Art),以戲謔的廣告看版模式,告訴大家「請投我一票」。

鄧雯馨〈並行,游走(Parallel Operation)〉




延續〈並行,存在?〉之錄像裝置作品,影像內容採自 2014 年前往法國馬賽參展時的環法旅行,創作者由法國馬賽港拍攝至巴黎,沿途的魚缸、噴泉、海、公園水池、塞納河、羅浮宮外的水池、凡爾賽宮花園水池……通通收錄在小小的水滴世界裡。藉由如同水珠般的水晶球裝置,讓記憶中的法國影像呈現出來,並運用影像的流動,討論空間的真實性。




a video installation by Teng Wen-hsin. Premiere at Taiwan JAN 2015 Acrylic, Computer, Projectors, Stereo System The mystical and marvelous wonder of the Universe is far beyond our imagination. It’s hard to tell whether people like us, lively living in this moment and this place, coexist in unseen parallel universes. And suppose we are present in the now, how can we at the same time evaporate and merge into the Universe? It could be like a small dust, but with sensibilities, and continuously diffusing with energies that were born with. It’s all because we are here, and exist. This exhibit quests the possibilities of "New World, Ten-dimension space and New Universal view". By using the drop-shaped crystal ball installation work, we probe the distinction of repetition and philosophy claim of replacing a "could be" imagining world with a simulated shadowland. Beads of water reveal glittered glamorous illusions, just like a series of tiny worlds, with each of them indistinctly contains an insular miniature space. Somehow they are substantively exist, beyond the three dimensional space we live, and exalted to the height of “eyes of God”, furtively glancing at our world.

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